Nine Inch Nails did a song by that name, and the video was so obscene that they never showed it. I’m not here to talk about music videos though. Today’s topic of discussion centers on those situations and dynamics where we become enslaved to the machinations of someone else. You know the old story; you meet someone that initially you get along with well enough to spend more time with them and eventually your association reaches a point where you’re mutually detracting from and destroying each other.
To further illustrate the point consider a woman that is beaten near constantly. The kind of woman that is always missing teeth, sporting black eyes, swollen lips and gums, broken bones, swaths of hair missing from her scalp, and of course a myriad of cuts and bruises. She knows she’s miserable. She feels the sting of every strike, and the humiliation from lying about the cause of each injury, but it’s not enough to get away. She stays with the abusive asshole because she “loves him” or she “deserved it”. But what point does your self esteem reach a point where you’re willing to forego true happiness in favor of misery?
That example speaks directly to physical abuse, which is abhorrent, but it’s nothing compared to emotional abuse. Staying with someone that doesn’t understand you, doesn’t take the time to get to know the real you, or is dependent on you to the point of not being able to function. They guilt you into remaining there all to avoid having blood on your hands from that failed relationship. Endless promises of things changing, spending more time together, anything to keep you from leaving. The truth is that people don’t change unless they want to, and certainly not to keep what they already have. Their behavior got them what they have in the first place, so walking away is an empty threat.
But we all do it. Friendships, romantic liaisons, even our parents all find ways to manipulate us into doing things we don’t feel comfortable doing. We are so afraid of being alone, of being unable to form any kind of lasting connection with another human being that we become ferociously protective of the meager connections we do form. Fair weather friends, sycophantic acquaintances and abusive lovers all serve to keep us enslaved in some way or another. We don’t want to be alone, to stand in isolation or admit any kind of failure so we deride the shortcomings in our relationships and press on, secure in the delusion that things will get better.
I have been chastised by every woman I’ve been involved with for the past five years for being too zealous, too passionate, too overwhelming in the way I handle myself. But I don’t take it as a bad thing because the comments are always in the context of how I’m so remarkably different from the other guys they’ve been involved with. But ultimately the question has to be asked, why you would want to be associated with someone that isn’t engaged. Someone who is blind to their surroundings or so unwilling to see what is going on that they don’t even rationalize it away they just ignore it completely.
My best friend told Nicole’s husband about her affair and after they fought about it for one night, everything was fine and he went back to existing in his ignorance. He found contentment in his blindness. That’s just one example though because it happens all the time. We make excuses, turn blind eyes, ignore massive warning signs, rationalize away a cascade of things, and all to prevent the inevitable acknowledgment of just how miserable we really are. As long as we make someone else happy we find some kind of nobility in our misery. While I champion the idea of Cosmic Balance and all that is encompassed in that, why should we willingly subject ourselves to being unhappy, even in the slightest, simply to make someone else happy? Doing that is detracting from our own happiness and subsequently we don’t really live. We exist to serve another and isn’t that really just a form of slavery?
There’s always that compromise of things that you look past in order to find the bliss and elation of being with someone, but at what point does it become too much? Is a heroin addiction worse than a man that is incapable of being able to find confidence in his own merit? What makes a drug shooting junkie worse than a man that will do anything and everything to make the woman he loves happy? It’s a subjective thing, but ultimately my take is that if you’re so blinded by your devotion and apparent need for someone else, you’re addicted, in the same way that the heroin addled junkie screams for his fix. It’s obsession, and take it from someone that knows, it’s dangerous. It crosses the line from love into obsession when your entire life threatens to crumble and implode by that person leaving. I said goodbye to Nicole and guess what, my world changed, it didn’t implode. I know it was love. But there are those that have had the objects of their affection become discontented and thus seek to find the happiness they’re being denied, and in the aftermath of one human being making a decision that is best for them, the guilt, rage, and manipulation that arises serves only to further the selfish goals of the one engendering that unhappiness.
You suffer in silence to keep from writhing in abject agony. Consider this, you meet someone, you get along, things go well and before long you’re entertaining the idea of being more than friends. So the fateful day comes when you take the plunge and things go well. Fast forward a couple years. You’ve lived together, broken up a few times, seen other people, tried to see what else the world has to offer but you keep coming back. The romantic version of the story tells that it’s fate, you’re meant to be together. But the reality is most likely that one of you is able to goad, manipulate, or guilt the other into continuing the charade of compatibility by capitalizing on the good and forcibly ignoring the bad. Do me a favor, the next time you go to the dentist and have a tooth drilled, pulled, or crowned refuse anesthesia. It’s the same thing. You’re willing your mind to ignore and forget the negative in order to acknowledge only the positive.
Relationships are about mutual growth. Friendships, romantic relationships, even family, it’s about growing and getting better because of how the people around you bring out the best in you. But too often lately I’ve heard stories of people being pulled down into an emotional abyss simply because they cling to the delusion of what they once had. If your relationship ran a year or more and you clearly contemplated leaving them at any point that didn’t directly stem from a fight, odds are you’re just biding time. Sitting around idly waiting for life to make the decision for you while you indoctrinate yourself to believe that there is some measure of redemption and due respect or adulation for your ludicrous endurance of that misery.
We are all given a limited time here. For most it’s seventy, eighty, or ninety plus years. For some our time here is much shorted for a modicum of reasons. But to spend even five minutes being wretchedly unhappy is five minutes of your life wasted. It’s an intrinsic facet of human nature that we avoid pain and pursue pleasure, but for most of us we let the despicable situation that develops continue to propagate while we continue suckling away at the opiate we receive and the whole time we’re completely unaware of how much of ourselves we lost on a daily basis in the situation and worse, how much of life is passing us by while we toil away praying for an organic change to something that is too irrevocably damaged. In the end, perhaps it’s not just happiness in slavery, but self imposed slavery to prevent happiness.
as far as "ignoring the bad" and only looking at the a relationship relationship is fact nothing in life is perfect. Good and bad comes with every situation. You have to be able to enjoy the good and work on the bad in relationships. Once you stop wanting to work on those bad things..then the relationship isn't worth it anymore.
ReplyDelete....and this is in no way referring to people in abusive relationships...that is a different story altogether.
There is a quote (and of course I dont remember who said it cause Im a dumb-ass) that states:
ReplyDelete"Life is pain and the enjoyment of love is an anesthetic."
I think a lot of us think that this is true and it is to a point. Love is nice and it makes you feel good but when it starts coming to an end, that person is willing to be miserable for months, years because they think that since our love made things better the first time, it can fix what mess we're in now.
Its so sad that people stay together just so they dont have to be alone. Doesnt matter if they even love one another anymore, just as long as they dont have to be miserable alone.
I think I alot of us (myself included as you well know) just keep searching for that special thing that will numb the pain but I think we need to realize that we can be happy and in love but not stick around for the pain. Take enjoyment and love from your friends and life and the little things....sure, life wont be all sunshine and roses but at lease you're in sitting here sticking things out because you dont want to be broken.
I apologise if this doesnt make sense. I think and change things in my mind before I can get them down, it sounds great in my head but not necessarily on paper. But thats classic me for ya.
Great post! Keep them coming!
So Jessica......
ReplyDeleteI do agree that you need to work out the bad things in your relationship with your better half but when is enough enough???
At what point is it okay to not want to work on the bad stuff and call it quits?? I mean, your partner may want to work it out because he has a need for you (or is dependent on you in someway) but if you're unhappy and life with him is no fun and you're only with him because you feel guilty, dont you think that you should just end things with him?
I mean if you spent the last....oh lets say, thress years with this person and still things arent great, why go back for more.
Jessica: There's a difference between working to better a situation and reach a higher plateau, and blindly committing to something for the sake of not being alone. I'm speaking about people so afraid to be miserable alone that they remain in dynamics that engender discontent simply by existing. Working toward mutual benefit is awesome if both people are on board. But take it from someone that knows, everytime Nicole and I broke up, I took it to be my fault and listened to all the things she sighted as reasons we didn't work out and made drastic attempts to rectify my shortcomings. A worthwhile endeavor if made for the right reasons, but a shallow victory when done for the reasons I had.
ReplyDeleteUltimately, as I said, any relationship, romantic or otherwise, should be about being around people that bring out the best in you. If you're discontented because of what someone else does, you're not being fair to yourself if you stick around and just expect things to change. Two weeks ago my best friend did a "Chris Farley" line of cocaine off of a DVD case in the parking lot of a dive bar that makes the Brass look like a Hollywood Club. The behavior is disappointing, but not debilitating to me because it doesn't inhibit me in any way.
That's what I'm talking about. When you maintain association with people simply because of habit or fear of being alone and the whole time you continue to be subjected to behaviors that detract from you being the best you can. Too often it's easier to mire in what has become familiar for fear of losing everything completely. I'm talking about growth and transcendecne, becoming something better because of your association with a person instead of just continuing to stagnate.
i get the feeling that ImmortalxAurora knows me....or of me...hmm. haha.
ReplyDeleteAnd I get what you're saying about not wanting to be comment really had nothing to do with that.
I completely agree, it is sad when people are so afraid of being alone that they fill that void with any relationship they can get their hands matter how terrible it is.
And as for staying in a relationship due to guilt...well then that's not really a relationship you would want to work on now is it? That's a relationship you need to get far far away from.
And whenever you feel like you don't have a reason to work on the bad things in your relationship anymore then its time to call it quits. It's all up to you and what you feel is worth it.
It is up to the people involved as to when they call it quits, but the sub point I was making is that too often the fear of being alone and the comfort of what is familiar limits the objectivity of those involved and causes an inability to think critically or rationally. The result is that neither party is able to extircate themselves cleaning, decisively, or properly because of what they believe is positive emotional connotation actually being fear and guilt.
ReplyDeleteLoL, no I dont know you...I only know one Jessica and Im sure you're not her. lol
No being in a relastionship with someone due to guilt is nothing worth working on but thankfully I dont have that problem with
But since I am a girl and I've kinda been in that type of situation, just a word to the day if you, Jessica, find yourself in that type of place with a boyfriend or lover, take head and listen to your own advice.
.....I seriously need to proof read my shit. lol
ReplyDeleteI didnt mean "Take head"
I meant to say "Take Heed"
Oh this is great Im so dumb
don't worry..i will be sure to take head.
oh the jokes I could make...
ReplyDeleteI would say something but...its just waaay too easy
ReplyDeleteSince when has that ever stopped you? You thrive on the easy jibes. You going soft on me?
ReplyDeletehaha i dont go soft...I dont have that problem but I hear they have meds for that now. lol
Well Jess, if you're going to take head make sure you take it hard.
Better Twyko????
Getting there, I was expecting something a bit more... sexually explicit. But it's a start.
ReplyDeleteIm trying to behave myself, be more lady like......hahahahahahahhahaaa
ReplyDeleteyou, behave? Not likely! Come on where the biting wit, the sarcasm, the acerbic criticism of those more sexually repressed than you. Come on I know you've got some kind of X-rated joke to make that will make her squirm and most likely cause me to read and say "Holy shit on a stick!
ReplyDeleteWhats wrong with behaving every now and again?? cant I at least put on a good front, that Im a lady.....even though we all know how big of a freak I truly am.
Sure I could say, "Yeah take that head, shove it deep inside, let it fester for a few hours but dont suffocate on it just thats one big head."
But then whats the fun in that when Im trying to be all demure??
True, but I would have thought that the prospect of unsettling someone so stoicly reserved regarding the subject matter and so deeply committed to maintain an air of aloofness in regards to the idea of sex would have tickled you pink. oh well
ReplyDeleteWell I was tryin to hold back a little as to not scare anyone but since you wish it...Im letting my Freak Flag Fly!!
ReplyDelete....butt sex...
There it is!!! it has nothing to do with Jessica getting or giving head, zero relation to the post, it's just pure butt sex!
ReplyDeletehahahaha, I thought butt sex would work
ReplyDeleteand so it has...and so it has...