Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Birthdays & Halloween & Puscifer, Oh My!

Alright kiddies I’m back, and hopefully there are still some of you out there to read this. Sorry for the long delay and the angst ridden post of last time. Emotions got the better of me and left me seeking solace to something that wasn’t really broken to begin with. Oh well, you live you learn. Anyway enough with the disclaimers, so much has been going on since last I checked in here that I almost need a scorecard to keep it all straight.

Let’s start from the beginning; I had a birthday, which was royally kick-ass. Major props to everyone that showed up and watched me drink my fucking face off. So much fun, such good times, such wonderful friends and from what I remember, it was a super awesome night. I got to catch up and hang with my old friends Melissa and Andrew from Mt. Sierra which was a treat in and of itself. The Greeks showed up which made the night all the more awesome because I had my TA sisters present, I do wish more TA members could have been there but there’s always next time. Then there was Natalie who made the trek all by her lonesome, kudos to you. And then of course my cadre of buddies Jeremy, Eddie, and Mark came out to share in my drunken stupor. Christine made a rare public appearance and I thank her for that, much love. And of course my dearest and oldest friend good old Dean. He stayed sober to enough to get me home in one piece and even made sure I got into my own bed. What a guy. So many awesome people made that night so incredible I don’t think I’ve ever had a better birthday!

Then there was Halloween. Oh good god gravy that shit was so incredible. I got to roll down to San Diego with the Greeks to see the one and only Maynard James Keenan live and in the flesh as he did his thing on stage as Puscifer. Not only was the concert ridiculously amazing, but I had the privilege of being reunited with some of my TA brothers and sisters that I had the honor meeting back in August. We had such a good time with fun costumes, great stories, and of course plans to meet up again this coming Friday at the Baked Potato for a Volto show.

I’ve had a great past couple of weeks, despite fighting unyielding tooth pain, and a 24-hour cold. Good times with the best friends money can’t buy, and a genuine camaraderie with a caliber of people that getting harder and harder to find. I joined TA on a whim as a means to support my favorite band and hopefully to get something to tide me over until the release of their next album, what I got instead was a family of like minded, funny, engaging, and truly beautiful people that have shown me a true sense of belonging and the best times I think I’ve ever had in my life. Here’s to you, all of my friends, TA brothers and sisters, my Mt. Sierra peeps, and all others that I have had the pleasure of knowing. May the Jager keep flowing, the music keep playing, and the good times keep coming.

Until next time remember, “There is no problem in life so big or complex that it can’t be solved by throwing ridiculous amounts of money at it or killing everyone else involved!”



  1. Happy post ! Glad to see you enjoyed the past couple of weeks so much.

  2. So I can just throw money at you and you'll go away??!? Sweeeeeet!!!

  3. You can throw money at me, but I won't go away. I'm not a problem, I'm mercurial.

  4. Where'd your Thanksgiving post go?
