Sunday, February 26, 2012

The terrible truth...

Dear long has it been? This place seems almost foreign, different; like stepping into an alternate plane of existence and struggling to find my footing. A stranger in a strange land, there consistency but I'll be damned if I can find it. Every day it's something new. Some new world threat, some madman in some far off third world country where the light of democracy and patriotism have yet to penetrate and yet I still manage to sleep soundly, does that make me sick?
There's far too much suffering, not nearly enough compassion or understanding and everyday we seem to move further from the true purpose of our beings. We are social beings, interconnected to each other in a very complex network of interpersonal connections, yet we treat most every person in our lives as though they're a convenience instead of genuine asset. I weep at where we're headed. I pray for enlightenment to the masses.

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