Thursday, November 17, 2011

The cost of decency...

There is something fundamentally obscene about the lengths we're willing to go to protect those we hold in the highest regard. Eventually all human dynamics with absolute investment break down because we have become a society, a culture, a people that are incapable of trusting one another completely. Those of us that can trust, that can love, that can fight to overcome the obstacles we place in our own way to protect us from the maelstrom of interaction, we are invariably spit on, taken advantage of, and victimized, time and again by those that ask for more without ever being full. The stars that burn brightest are most often drained beyond salvation by the incessant vacuum of more selfish people. The girl that seeks solace and understanding but shies and runs away from connection or investment because of the complications it causes in her life with a boyfriend that evidently doesn’t bridge the gap completely, despite him probably being a perfectly wonderful man otherwise. A parent that requests, demands, manipulates and orchestrates the feelings and situations of others to get what they want and then stare stupefied at the sky, bewildered and lost by the idea that they might somehow actually be told “no”. The woman that uses, abuses, consumes, and obliterates everything good in another, and still seeks to be loved and adored despite the abhorrent behavior.
            It’s all so much excess, so much extraneous emotion and conviction, expelled for no reason other than the want to be decent, to be altruistic, to offer something more than what others have seen fit to make available. Ghandi is often quoted as saying, “Be the change you want to see in the world” yet those that actually make the effort, the ones that take up figurative arms and go to battle the injustices and closed mindedness of a world too lost in itself and unwilling to seek behavior, are the ones that beaten into submission and end up becoming the biggest detractors, the biggest naysayers, the most fervent decriers of any measure of human decency existing in the world. We are made and conditioned into the cynics we become. We offer an unwavering beacon of light amid the torrential storm, a safe harbor of understanding and compassion and for all the effort to keep out the winds, to remain grounded and unwavering in the face of that chaos, we are battered until the deluge comes flooding in and destroys all that has been built. The irony is that when we succumb and become something angry, dark, tormented, hollow, and unpleasant we’re told that we’re in the wrong. There is no safe haven, no salvation, no redemption, nothing to offer anyone, as we’re all doomed, and this is the machine that we built to accomplish this goal. We persecute those that would seek to make this place better because they keep us from the distractions that keep us so well occupied and ignorant. Ignorance has gone from being a vice to the ultimate virtue and the idea of anything else is seen to be the obscenity. 

Sunday, November 6, 2011

So much excess...

The weather turns melancholy and I find my mood seems to be reflection of that. For the first time in a long time I find myself fighting the chill and the bitter sting of the encroaching cold, and I welcome it. There’s something rejuvenating about finding my footing on a path I’ve traversed alone before. I’ve trekked this wood, as it were, and I know the way through the forest. But there’s something altogether different about the journey this time around. I’m here by absolute choice, I’m washing clean the sins, draining all the poison and the venom left in my veins. I’m bleeding out with a purpose.
I loved, I loved fully, I loved deeply, and I loved with every ounce of my being. I have defended, I have purged, I have fought, I have toiled, and I have expounded at length but it means nothing in the end because it was just an experience. A situation I put myself in, and I sowed the seeds of those consequences. So much effort, so much energy, and all of it boiled down to an endeavor that was never clearly defined. In the end, I was there to be miserable because happiness is the only thing I’m afraid of. The idea of living for myself, of putting myself ahead of and beyond the need or expectation of so many others, of really breaking the bonds of servitude that shackle me to so much useless misery, so much endless excess…I would go to ends of the earth for her, but I didn’t want her, I just wanted the misery; more an addiction that anything else.
I’ve espoused poetry that would melt the hearts of so many others, I’ve dedicated sonnets and declarations too beautiful to capture on paper, and all for one so undeserving, one so selfish and self-righteous, the bane of my existence is perhaps my own creation. But the purge must be done, the draining of the abscess has to commence if I am to move on. The sky cries with me, washing away the sin of the world so something new can begin to thrive.
I was so lost in her, so dedicated. And it’s all ground that’s been covered before, covered en masse and at length, and while you guys may not like it, fuck off, I need to admit these things to myself. I have to face these demons and exorcise the best way I know how, so like it or not, she still gets some mention and page space. I lost myself, I gave the best of myself to someone with so little to offer, only unhappiness and misery. She was the answer to everything I have indoctrinated myself to believe I deserved. The shortcomings, the lack of commitment of emotion, so little to really offer, and yet I was the one that was left believing I didn’t measure up. I’ve endured so many unspeakable things, survived so much ugliness, too much suffering, and I learned, only through the grace of someone with patience that rivals my own, that I do deserve better, I am not the best, but I am solid and stronger of character than most anyone else.
I claim to be an ass, to be the terrible thing that brings sadness and despair, because it is all I see, but in truth I shoulder so much of that for so many others I’m left drowning in it. If I am ever to find myself, to get back to the person that only a select and privileged few have managed to know I can be, I have to open this wound and let bleed all of the terrible things locked within. She was a vicious, manipulative, selfish cunt that sought to have all of my affections, all of my energy and effort, but refused to offer anything in return. I took crumbs and scraps, devouring them like a rabid dog. I’ve had so many friends, so many people, all of them trying their hardest to get me to see the truth, to recognize the things that I had blinded myself to see, and I’ll be honest, I still can’t see myself the way they do, but I do see enough to know that I deserve better than I was given.
I was sullied. A tainted heart crying out for salvation and redemption, and despite myself I actually tried in earnest to sabotage myself and keep myself from being happy, from being given or shown better. Another bad choice, in an almost endless list of them, but I have to admit it. For all the credit I’m given, for all the guidance and advice I’m capable of offering so many others, for all the ability I have to “fix” everyone else, I’m incredibly broken. My depth, my passion, and my intellect have all been dulled in an effort to fit in, to conform and adapt. I’ve traded so much of myself away for so many shallow and hollow victories, and when I ran out of things to give, I shut off.
Now I’m staring at something wonderful, I’m flying through the air with no net and I’ve leapt over the side of the precipice into the abyss of madness and whatever else is within the black and that reckless abandon was done to further my sense of misery and increase the burden of chaos I shoulder, but instead I’m not falling toward uncertainty and terminal velocity, I’m gliding on the wings of angels toward soft landing and warm arms. As daunting as the idea and concept or notion of vulnerability is, given how badly damaged and broken I am as a person and how god awfully shattered I still am emotionally, it’s something I have to do. To know what it is to feel anything, to feel connected, to matter to someone else, even if I can’t muster the courage to matter to myself. There times and situations that test the mettle and resolve of us all, for most it’s death or loss that determines what we do when the pressure’s on. For me it’s an endless litany of things that seem to never abate or pause. Constantly tempered in this fire, and the irony is, I once burned white hot and I thrived there in the flames, but I actively moved myself from the heat of the flames to become someone I didn’t want to be, to let loose of so much energy and accept an idea who I needed to be to make someone else happy. Now I’m blinded by the passion that so many others have, and I want it so badly. I want to be back in the dead center of the flames, to glow once more with white hot intensity and fervor.
I’ve pontificated on resolve, gamut, plans, revelations, and declarations, but in the end it’s all just words if there’s no dedication to the idea. I need my integrity back. I’m not the doomed soul I think I am. I brood, I carry a darkness that few can understand, and I do carry the weight of not just the world on my shoulders but in some cases a grander macrocosm of things that go unseen even by eyes until they’re dangling inches from my nose. This is who I am. This is who I have always been. The self-professed martyr, the self-imposed sacrifice to attaining something better, that is who I have chosen to be. I once believed that I could never hope for more, to attain something greater or to even begin to fathom the idea of thriving in something less severe and occluded. But I have come to understand that not only is this no way to live, but it’s a disservice to those that would actively seek to love, to those that would choose to share some part of themselves with me. It isolates and insulated far too well, and leaves me an untainted bastion of integrity that is endlessly tormented by the ghosts of my own psyche, refusing to let go or relinquish the control it has. I am a terrible mess of complexities and chaos, but there is beauty in the wreckage and a sense of potential in the smoldering ruin.
Like the phoenix born anew, the ashes are not permanent. This death is not final. I am the son of a man that suffered so much injustice medically, and yet still he draws breath on this earth. I am the product of a broken home held together with little more shoe string and tape. I am the end result of my experiences, traumatic and debilitating as they may be, and yet still I stand, still I thrive, still I draw my own breath, filling my lungs with the coolness of rain soaked air, and I stare with my own eyes, filtered though they may be, at this screen and pen these words. My strength has not left me, I will not be bested by the terror I’ve ignored. I will endure, I will find my footing and achieve something I never have before…some semblance of true and unrivaled happiness. If the fates are willing, I will accomplish this task, like so many others that have been laid at my feet.