Monday, January 18, 2010

Remind me again where the jumper cables go...

“Systematic detachment from emotional reaction, terrifying to realize how easy it is to be affected.” If I had a nickel for how many times I’ve said those words as rhetoric, I’d be able to buy an island, balance the world economy and finance deep space exploration well into the next five centuries. The irony at this particular juncture is that words meant to indicate a lack of meaning or comment on how easily we assign meaning, have, at this particular point in time, no meaning at all for me. I’ve become remarkably numb and isolated from those around me, disconnected from the world. Even more interesting is the current propensity I seem to have been given for romantic interludes. Relationships in general have long been a primary focus of my works. I’ve had a billion and one pieces of commentary on them. I’ve given you all my insight, my brooding, my lurching rationalization on why certain things aren’t nearly as bad as they might be, but ultimately I fail to ask the underlying questions that can provoke more in depth thought. Recently it has occurred to me, that while I have several amorous pursuits at my disposal, some I’m even entertaining and devoting a considerable amount of time to developing, it’s all simply hollow endeavors, as I don’t seek the emotional pay off or truthfully even the physical intimacy that is so often the driving force behind these sorts of things. I’m not looking for a cheap hook up or even a relationship.

I find that despite the ease with which I can accomplish the above goals isn’t the deterrent for me, meaning I’m not bored with the lack of challenge, but rather that I’m unsure if I will find any kind of real satisfaction with winning out. The mindset seems to have devolved to a point where failure is truly the intended outcome and so that failure is assured through careful subversion of my own actions before the game is even put in play. I’m rekindling old connections and treading new ground with uncharacteristic fervor that makes for intimidating interpersonal climates if analyzed. Where once timidity and trepidation were espoused en masse as a kind of defense mechanism they’ve been replaced with brazen disregard for perception and now a proliferation of almost heretical rhetoric flows freely. To the firmly acquainted the change in behavior will come as a shock, while to others the brash affirmation of confidence serves more as a sign of genuine attitude. The ultimate commentary though is on the holder, in that I recognize the change from one school of behavior to another, and can’t say that I wholly like one over the other. To reignite and establish former silent channels provides excitement and interest but at the cost of being burned again, how long before the clock runs out and I have again run afoul of the implied and imposed rules? Further more, how long before the useless trappings of coveted flesh, intended promiscuity, and vapid personality does little more except further the spiral down this drain of disconnection and solitary movement? Please don’t misunderstand me, I’m not depressed, woefully reflective or even miserably pining away in hopes of finding someone, but rather I’m all to aware of the irony of being content and yet feeling nothing at all for the potential excesses. A near army of women at my disposal for sexual satisfaction, even some for emotional contentment, and yet despite myself, I want none of it, not because I’ve gone gay or anything, but I think I’ve actually become afraid of women in true interpersonal relationships. This of course puts me at odds with the fact that while some part of me does feel a genuine loneliness that I want filled, I’m mentally and emotionally incapable of bridging the gap between my own introversion and my in born need to feel connected to another human being. So for now I’m an island, devoid of women, attachment, feeling, or even misery. I just am.

And so the question becomes, to you my dear readers, when the people meant to fill that vacuous void in the heart and mind are present but unwanted by the heart and mind yet the hole remains, what is left to fill it with? Why does anyone seek out companionship or connection with others? Why strive to forge a meaningful relationship when more often than not the trust we place in others is misused or abused? Why is it so easy for us as a society (sadly I’m finding it more and more often) that we make connections with people and then do little, if anything to maintain them, and further we openly acknowledge and apologize for our low involvement with others yet do little if anything to make a more committed investment in the people we haphazardly call friend. The word itself, friend, what does it mean. To most it’s an empty term used to denote someone with whom enough common ground is shared as to engender mutual feelings of enjoyment when in the others company. To me a friend is more than that. A friend is someone reliable, dependent, someone open minded not just like minded, someone willing to listen to an explanation or concerned enough to offer one of their own, and someone that is invested in the dynamic and not just aware of its existence. Sadly, and let me stress that word, SADLY, I find that far too few of the people I have in my life are worthy of the title of friend when that particular definition is used.

I’ve used words like connection to denote the dynamics between people, and with good reason. If you are friends with someone, you have made a connection, you connected to another human being, you shared yourself with them and they with you, yet far too many people are willfully disconnected from the people they facetiously call friend. At the risk of letting my sin dictate the next few observations, I’ve been told numerous times that I’m a better friend than (insert name) deserves. I am loyal to a fault, invested to the point of my own peril, and unyieldingly understanding of circumstances and behaviors that are painfully and obviously condemnable. I count the people I call my friends among the most trusted and revered in my social circle, as further evidence I have only taken one Best Friend at a time, a title that for me holds the meaning the words suggest, the first among all. The one person that no matter the time of night, the location or circumstance will be trusted to do everything within reason and ability to help me in my time of need. For far too many I am taken for granted, a useful tool for fixing computers, a plethora of encyclopedic information when needed, but not a viable human interest for interpersonal connection. The further irony is that for an alarmingly high number, and I do mean alarmingly high, of people in my life, some of you readers included, have become estranged, intimidated, afraid, or concerned when I invest myself in my relation to you. It’s not alien behavior, it’s human decency to want to listen and offer advice, or at least I thought it was at some point. But I have been impugned for my connected, my investment in others, and ultimately I’m left to feel as though my endeavor to maintain a friendship with someone I find worthwhile is something overt or unnecessary.
So again, I put it to you, my readers, do me a favor and define friendship. Not for me, but for yourself. What criteria do you put in place to know your friends from just people you know? Once you’re figured out how to know friend from acquaintance, decide if those friends are worth the time energy to maintain your connections or if you really owe nothing more than a phone call of need when you require their assistance.


  1. I can't help but feel as though some of this post is directed at myself in more ways than one. I can't honestly define friendship these days, with the exception of what you've offered to me. It's been difficult with me since the early years... no true friendship connections without feeling hints of judgement or fear of losing a friend for being my true self. I've grown into this person who puts up a wall and lets very few, VERY few people in. Maybe 2 or 3 people really understand me.. Or just one. You. A true friend shows no judgement, only love and understanding. I shouldn't feel the need to "be more mature" or, "agree with everything they like" or anything like that. So you can say that I have a wealth of acquaintances, but true friends are rarer than anything in my world.

  2. I may have cultivated a grain of truth from life experience, but I find it makes for more prolific writing. I apologize if the comparisons come off as thinly veiled or the situation seems specifically targeted, my policy has always been that I do not provide names or identities unless required.

    Lonely isn't it? Once you realize that the list of people you count as genuine friends is excrutiatingly short. True friends are exceedingly rare, and all too often because of conditioning such as you've mentioned, the willingness or ability to truly tear down the wall and let someone in, is almost completely absent. We shy away from vulnerability, decrying anything that allows someone else to see behind the facade.

    If I am the only person that understands you, it explains a great many things, but conversely it raises a great many questions. I won't go into all of them here, but perhaps most poignant among them is, "Why do I stand alone, when there are years and miles separating us?"

    Honestly, my suggestion is if you truly count me, or anyone else in your life as a true and genuine friend, swallow your fear, and make the commitment to return to them all they give to you. A true friend will not only appreciate the effort, but will recognize it for all it's worth and do everything to return it 10 fold.

  3. No need to apologize for anything you've written, or how it was directed. I wasn't offended in any way, I just realized that a lot of it sounded familiar. A lot of the reason I lack true friends has everything to do with the fact that I don't put forth the effort required to hold a friendship. I haven't even spoken to my family since Christmas. It's not impossible for me to connect with others, in fact, I'm very likeable to some. I just lose that connection easily for any number of reasons. If I'm friends with you, then it may cause some concern with my boyfriend, which I fully understand on his part. Cause to him, you don't want to be just friends, you'd want more than that. So it becomes tricky on my part to maintain a friendship that's close with someone of the opposite sex. Which is why I've had to distance myself further at times... because I'm trusted by him and well it gets messier than one would like to admit.

    With certain females, they tend to be competitive, or are boring, or something usually doesn't click for me. I can't say that I haven't met any reat girls since being out here, but none that have met the 'best friend' quality. My best friend is my boyfriend, and he does understand me in many ways... but there are some things I do (or say) that he has no idea why I do (or say) them. THOSE are the things you'd understand. lol. You get people in general, and once you obtain that power, it's something you'll never lose. I don't know where I'm going with this, but I'm just saying. I'm sure you'll interpret my words better than I can communicate them. Haha.

    Back to the point, I have been working at my wall for some time now, and hope that one day I can be at peace with myself in a way that I can fully accept my flaws, my talents, my thoughts, and myself as a whole. I'm a very self-critical girl, and I know where I got that from... as my mother is extremely hard on herself, and has always been that way since I was a kid. Having a lack of self-acceptance has rubbed off on me in such a way that I have had a hard time connecting with others on a deeper level. Aside from guys. My sub-conscious would say that I feel the need to be accepted. I can't make others happy until I'm truly at peace. Being selfless is good practice, putting others before me. Listening to someone else's problems instead of bitching about my own... those are the things that have helped me outgrow my wall gradually. I don't know, there's a lot of room for self-improvement, but that's generally the case with everyone in one way or another. This is why we live to learn. .... and in turn, learn to live.

  4. You come so close to the underlying dilemma and then back off of it with fervent intensity. It's not just that my dynamic with you engenders fear on his part, because if it did, it wouldn't cause a problem to begin with. I'm 2,173 miles away from you, hardly in a position to do anything of any real merit to lure you away from him. Rather I think it's a combination of things. Yes I have interesty beyond platonic dynamics but I keep that stabled and under wraps to eliminate the inevitable complication. I think it's the acknowledgement of my ability to understand those things you say or do that he does not understand that initially raises eyebrows. Add to that your own hidden, and oft alluded to but never truly acknowledged affinity for me, you and you begin to see the true cause of the breakdown. If someone 2,173 miles away can understand the most abstract facets of your behavior and your being without having seen you in years, and then couple that with a mutual attraction, his fears begin to justify themselves. At the risk of hitting the nail a bit too sharply on the head, I think you react by pushing me away because you don't know how to come to terms with whatever it is you feel for me, let alone acknowledge it, and still remain happy, satisfied, and contented with everything you already have.

    As for the self improvement, I agree that almost everyone has room to improve, and most people are more than willing to espouse platitudes en masse as a means of expressing their intentions for self betterment, yet very few actually manage to integrate the changes in a way that is effective. People go to the gym to lose weight, feel better, and get healthy, but more often than not things like time constraints, personal commitments, laziness, loss of motivation or zeal, monetary concerns, and even just general malaise work to undo whatever progress has been made. That's the gym, where there is a physical and tangible result. Betterment of self is intangible on a level of integrity and to open one self up to the kind of unbridled observations that I'm so keen on making, elicits an emotional response and not always a positive one. People shield themselves from being vulnerable as a means of keeping most everyone out and protecting themselves from the all too often critical but accurate barbs of someone engaged enough to point out the obvious. It's not judgment, but observation.

  5. oh my gosh...would you two just have babies already!!! lol

  6. Okay...Im just gonna throw this out there, I've been reading your comments to one another for a while and I just have to say....

    stop fucking around and get together!!! Theres obviously a connection between your two and its not just friendship.

    There...ive said it.

  7. In the interest of saving time, I'll field this one. Nikki, while incredible, is already spoken for. Add to that the distance thing, and you see how very quickly whatever underlying emotional connection exists, begins to become near impossible to capitalize on. But thanks for the vote of confidence.
