Friday, September 11, 2009

Land of hypocrisy!

It’s 9/11, the eight year anniversary of the most devastating terrorist attack on our soil in recent memory. Guess what though, I don’t give a shit. Yes it was tragic, many people lost their lives and that is sad, truly lamentable. For them I show reverence. For a government that refuses to expend all resources to find the truth behind it, I have no sympathy. We can find a crotch shot of Lindsey Lohan but we can’t find a six foot Arab on dialysis. Sad when the most underhanded and depraved government in the world can’t actually track down its enemies. Oh wait, we’re not actually trying to, sorry I get so caught up the propaganda that I sometimes actually think we’re really doing what the media says we’re doing.

We fight a war so we’re blind to the truth of how badly we’re being fucked. The government now owns the auto industry, our children will be indebted to other states for years to come since they bought our extreme debt, and our tax dollars are still going to feed and house the corrupt men and women that put us in this situation in the first place. Bernie Madoff will spend the rest of his life sitting in a cell being fed, clothed, and housed by our tax dollars instead of being put to death. Where’s the justice?

The claim here is not that “American Government” is the worst government in the world, it’s that we try to assert our influence on other states in the world on the pretense that we have the BEST government in the world when really, we can’t even govern ourselves. We’re ahead of many other regimes but not the best. Sure we enjoy many liberties, the fact that I can voice my dissent and disagreement is testament to a liberty I have that many others don’t, but my “patriotism” breaks down when the society I live in responds to concerns of perceived pretentiousness with responses like “You don’t like it, get the hell out!”

This state was founded by white, male, landholding, slave owners that didn’t like being taxed so they revolted. They put forth an ideal for universal equality and we can’t even make that happen after 200 years. We fight wars abroad to bring the idealism of democracy to other less privileged states but for what point and purpose, to make our own state that much more dominant in the world. We’re exercising a world domination agenda the same as any other state but we indoctrinate our own people to believe that we’re on an errand of mercy. It’s the same as Christianity, Mormonism, Catholicism, and even Islam. We preach an ideal and we accept that ideal as perceived fact without crucial analysis.

All the major religions have some loop hole that if looked at breaks down the entire dogma, aside from Buddhism because their rhetoric is that nothing matters and it’s all bullshit anyway (I’m paraphrasing). The ideal of our government being the best example of a functional one is no different. You analyze the liberties we give up for safety and it begins to break down. The trade off is that it’s for the greater good and the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Airport tightened down like a dolphin’s ass immediately after 9/11 and the majority of the populace went along with it because it was to save lives, but there were examples denoted as isolated incidents where it was taken too far. Women forced to drink their own breast milk, geriatrics being forced to submit to cavity searches, entire flights being held up over a vibrator that got switched on by accident. The list goes on.

Now I know the argument is still, “Go somewhere else if you don’t like it here.” My response to that is to disprove what I’m saying. The government is flawed, there is no perfect system, I know all of that and I make no claims that I’ve devised a perfect system. But where is the accountability to our governing body for their actions? We have court systems log jammed with cases over things that happened years ago, a media that seizes on sensationalist stories rather than devoting time to actual news. Where was the mass media coverage when North Korea called off the armistice agreement and blatantly swore military action if the US searched their ships? That day all I heard about was Jon and Kate. Our society thrives on stories about Paris Hilton partaking in a 9 hooker gang bang or an American Idol contestant coming out as being gay. This isn’t real news! There was a time when things like this would be a page six footnote at best. However we have allowed the media to turn these things into headlines while the real news is relegated to ad space on page G-34 behind the comics.

Our government is better than the radical regimes so often mentioned that behead women or remove tongues, but we’ve allied with far worse regimes. We sided with Stalin during WWII and he killed almost 700,000 people during his great purge, and a good number of those were refugee Americans that had immigrated during the worst of the Great Depression. We jumped blindly into bed with the man and still hold Roosevelt as a hero for his actions during WWII. The only difference between Stalin and Hitler was that Stalin didn’t target one group of people (he killed about 110,000 Poles, which is a huge number but not a majority). Need more proof? What about Mao Zedong? He convinced an entire state that he could read their minds and issued doctrines that resulted in hundreds of thousands of lives being lost, many by suicide. Wives turned on husbands, children turned on parents, workers turned on their bosses, yet under Nixon we turned China into a massive trade partner. Hell for that matter let’s not even leave the country, what about McCarthyism? In the 1950’s if you said anything subversive about the government you were a communist and subject to blacklisting. Couldn’t own a house, couldn’t get a job, converted into a social leper almost overnight. Where’s the consistency?

We vilify the Islamic people because they have nothing we want aside from oil and they’re too mired in their own infighting to keep it from us. We bring out special brand of democracy to these war torn places and seek to settle disputes and breed peace when we can’t even do that on our own soil. We have a broken health care system, a automotive industry owned by the government, incredibly high taxes, and an educational system that focuses more on memorization and test preparation than understanding and independent thought. But we tolerate all of it because of the draconian image presented of what life is like elsewhere. Beheadings in the Middle East, starvation and rampant disease in Africa, overt poverty in Eastern Europe, savage treatment and violation of human rights everywhere else in the world but not here. We allow wire taps because it catches those subversives that would seek to destroy our way of life. But how great do we really have it? We’re the sickest state on the planet even though we spend the most on health care, and we’ve got an educational system where 98% percent of the populace over 15 can read but can’t do math as well as other states. We had a 77% graduation rate in 2008 which was actually below many other developed countries.

I know I could keep throwing out numbers and I know I’m bound to be sniped by those that disagree, but the pretentiousness of our government is sick. The Romans believed that they were the best in the world and look what happened to them. I don’t disagree that we’re better than most other states of the world, but let’s be honest, we’re not the best. It’s an ideal we seek to achieve but we should be humble enough to acknowledge our own shortcomings and focus on them before we try to fix the rest of the world. I say throw out the Truman doctrine and return to the way things were before Woodrow Wilson came into office. We’re staring down the same barrel the Brits did after WWII, so many satellites and global interests that we’re spread too thin. It’s a proven historic fact that any time a civilization reaches a certain level of decadence they’re doomed to fall, how long before our fall?


  1. interesting...
    I agree with you, that our government suffers from an inflated ego and has no place trying to fix other countries before it even begins to fix itself.

    I do think it's funny and ironic that you wrote this, when you claim that your biggest sin is pride and when one of your friends told you something very similar about "fixing" others.


    This was not not to take away from your lovely blog, it was beautifully written and very thought provoking!

  2. I am fully aware of my flaws and make no excuses for them, except to say that most of them are so intrinsically ingrained within me that to remove them would be to alter the very fabric of who I am as a human being. I don't pretend to be able to fix everything, and I don't seek the opportunity nor do I actively endeavor to fix anyone. Rather I provide a sound ear to listen, logical pragmatic advice, and a willingness to do the hard things when no one else will.

    As to the content, well it's a shame that the "Old Domain" is no longer active. You'd have had a lot of fun perusing it. In truth though, I think the ultimate fun for you would be to peruse the volumes of text that never seen publication but are saved and authored nonetheless.

  3. Even if it's true... what can we do about it ?

    I'm certainly no silvertongued politician. Just hope that the ones we continue to "nominate" don't lead us to crash&burn anytime soon!

  4. It's not that the leaders themselves are creating our fall, it's that we are. We are convinced of our own superiority with nothing to back it up and nothing to really support the claim. This state has gone from being one of the most powerful in the world to just being one of the most pretentious. We don't do anything exceptionally well anymore except make war on other countries. We're circling the drain and I personally will see all of you in Arizona Bay! Learn to swim

  5. We are going to fall and we're going to fall very soon if someone doesnt step up. Ive seen it coming of ages now and so have you, unfortuanally of us our goverment is blind and they wont see it coming before its too late to do anything about it.

    I say the country would be a much better place if we ran it, dont ya think?? muahhahahahahahahahahahah
