Friday, September 18, 2009


The universe, I’ve found, is a fickle thing that bends and tests most of us in ways beyond our immediate comprehension. In the endless pursuit for the continuance of Cosmic Balance we are blessed and cursed countless times. It’s ironic when you get perspective from the absolute most unexpected place. I’m much less jaded and honestly more relaxed about things in general. It’s amazing what some closure, a good night’s sleep, and some reflection on past habits that desperately need to be broken can do.

I spent the evening reflecting on how trite and, in truth, borderline emo everything here has been getting and that’s not what I want. Of course I will always write from a perspective that speaks to whatever it is I’m going through or experiencing at that point in time, but I’d like something other than my useless commentary on my myriad of failed relationships to stand the test of time. I sat last night and read over the countless volumes of text I’ve authored in the last four years. HOLY FUCKING MOSES! I write way too much. Three and a half gigabytes of pure text, endless pages all speaking to a maelstrom of topics. The sad thing is that I found a pattern. I read over some of the pieces I’d authored about past relationships and found something both disturbing yet comforting.

Hidden behind all the insipid babbling was a measure of eloquence but it was mired in teenage angst, weak prose, and useless complaining. I realized that I have a dangerous pattern of falling immediately and ridiculously hard for women that show an initial interest in me. My passion bursts through like water against a failed flood game and I end up letting the more overwhelming aspects of my personality run free and rampant. Not a good way to build any kind of relationship or dynamic. But as I sat there reading this god awful work and trying fervently to convince myself that I didn’t actually author it, it struck me that I allow feelings of attachment to override the base emotional standing of neutrality that I normally exercise and it skews my insight. Think House on methadone instead of Vicodin. If I’m moderately miserable then I’m incredibly analytical, observant, and contemplative. I can figure out anything and everything in seconds. Introduce anything that elicits a warm fuzzy feeling and my penchant for analysis falls like a house of cards.

It’s a little disheartening to make the realization that I can’t do the things that set me apart if I’m serenely happy but I guess I’m more like House than most people or even I would like to admit. Introduce a cure to the misery I live through daily and you stymie my rational mind. My kryptonite! So let it be known, no more women, ever! No happiness for me! I will simply tolerate being mildly discontented with life in order to keep my keen mind.

Sorry I know that sounded incredibly emo, but the truth is that I can’t risk giving up or letting go of the only thing that makes me special and separates me from the myriad of other faceless people. I have an innate acumen toward intuitive and deductive reasoning and I’ve been squandering it chasing women that don’t appreciate me and honestly don’t deserve me. I make excuses about why they do or how they’re not too bad and still end up alone in the end. If my rational mind were as keen as it is when women aren’t involved I’d never end up in that situation. I think that as much as sex with myself for the rest of my years might suck, it’s the cost of maintaining my intellectual capacity.

More to follow later, on a topic not personally related to me.


  1. Maybe, instead of cutting off all contact, you should work on maintaining emotional stability despite having a woman in your life.

    You're young now and not having a girlfriend is nothing. But in 10 years? Or 20? I mean.. you'd be lonely, I'd think. Once all your friends got married and had families...

    &besides, there are many things about you that are unique to you. How can you think there is only ONE thing that distinguishes you as a person?! rawr. No way.

    Gestalts' theory - the sum of the parts is greater than the whole.

    Again, you just have to meet the right person :]

  2. My rational mind is the only thing I care about completely. Damage it, and I care about nothing. Women dampen that. I devote unneeded resources and energies to making something wonderful out of something that only I want. Not worth the hurt. I avoid it and I'm able to remain focused and resolute without compromise. I'd rather take a lifetime of lonliness and now that I'm still seen as brilliant, than have a lifetime of serene bliss and be seen as ordinary. Call it pride, hubris, or ego. I make no excuses for my sin of Pride

  3. Haha you and your friends all have issues with pride.

    Relationships are not easy. A truly good relationship requires lot of work, on BOTH ends. Again, finding the right girl doesn't mean it's suddenly going to be easy and pain-free. But finding the right is when all the work and pain doesn't seem so bad because at the end of the day, you open the door and smile when you see her. Really, it's that cheesy sounding.

    &honestly.. the right girl for you will enhance your qualities. You have a rational mind now; the right girl will not only appreciate that, she will be able to offer you different perspectives that broaden your mind and make you MORE rational. haha.

    Anyhow, good luck :p. Look fowards to seeing your next non-love related post !

  4. Okay...Im gonna be honest, I really didnt read all of this, I skimmed but you have to head is KILLING me!!!! LoL, there was just SO much.

    So I will say this...regardless if it goes with this post or not:

    "The Eyes see only what the Mind is Prepared to Comprehend."
